Enterprise Electrical Services Inc (EESI) was the Structured Cabling Contractor responsible for the installation of SAN racks and Network racks, copper cable between server racks and row consolidation SAN & Network racks, fiber and copper between row consolidation racks and core consolidation racks. EESI was also responsible for the copper and fiber uplinks to the communication rooms throughout the HP facility. All material for this project was purchased by HP direct EESI provided all the labor for mounting and installation of all the hardware to include 100 network and consolidation racks and 475 storage and user racks, 700,000 feet of CAT 6 cable, 536 24 port CAT 6 patch panels, 254 48 port Cat 6 patch panels, and various lengths of the Systimax MPO fiber solution with all associated hardware. EESI performed all of the terminations and testing for both fiber and copper.